The growth of IOT Gateway Market

Mobodexter | Blogs-Mobodexter

Kavitha Gopalan

The race for building smart home is here and now, and the  whole ecosystem surrounding smart home is also growing tremendously. IOT gateway market is one among it.

IOT gateway forms the center piece in the building block for IOT. This connects the sensors and actuators from the end points to the cloud and ensure seamless data flow between the devices and the cloud.

As per Gartner research the smart home market is expected to grow from 100 and 200 million homes today to 500 and 700 million homes by 2020. This is a huge pie in the market for the IOT gateway makers to grab. There are already several companies engaged in making the IOT gateway hardware and software.

Smart home includes electronic devices at home that can be programmed  to be managed and operated remotely  and can sense the environment and behave accordingly. The devices could include smart lighting, Smart thermostat, smart refrigerator that can send message to replenish stock, smart washing machine, smart coffee maker  and so on. All these have sensors and the data collected from this needs to be managed. Without a gateway  these act as independent devices, are controlled independently, data accumulated and stored independently.

Adding a IOT gateway that acts as a command centre for all the smart home devices will unify the process. The current challenge to accomplish this is these Smart devices from different vendors follow different protocols and have different operating system.

Gartner predicts that the most successful home gateway provider will develop a system that seamlessly integrates with nearly any vendor's IoT application and is relatively painless to the homeowner. A system that locks homeowners into one specific operating system limits their opportunity, as consumers will want to exercise their preference in terms of the IoT products they choose. The successful gateway should be capable of inter operating with different protocols and standards of the smart devices.

Another parameter that can push the gateway forward is having strong security foundation in the gateway -data encryption, authentication, device security  also providing secure data transmission between cloud and gateway and data integrity.

 Photo Credit: freepik
