Azure SQL Data Sync | Tips and Tricks on December 31, 2017 #IoT Azure cloud data sync service Microsoft Azure sql +
Demystify how Shared Access Signature (SAS) is created inside Azure Storage on December 22, 2017 #IoT Azure cloud Microsoft Azure +
Configure Azure AD authentication for a web app (App Services) on December 12, 2017 #IoT Azure cloud Microsoft Azure +
Tips and Tricks to prepare a demo for Azure Time Series Insights on December 11, 2017 #IoT Azure cloud +
New book on how to made a complete ready-to-sell home automated system with ESP8266 on December 02, 2017 cloud esp8266 book MQTT websockets +
[Post Event] CloudBrew 2017, Mechelen (Belgium) on November 25, 2017 #IoT Azure cloud eveniment event +
Isolate Web Application from public internet (App Service) on October 23, 2017 #IoT Azure Azure Web App cloud Microsoft Azure +
Just deleted an Azure SQL Database by mistake! What's next? on October 19, 2017 #IoT Azure cloud Microsoft Azure sql Sql Azure +
Huawei Connect: IT services, Enterprise Cellular, video analytics, AI and more on September 09, 2017 5G AI CBRS cloud enterprise Huawei IIoT image recognition IoT MuLTEfire NBIoT private cellular UCaaS verticals video +
Does Amazon's purchase of Whole Foods redefine "Edge Computing"? on June 17, 2017 5G acquistions Amazon cloud competition data centers edge computing IoT MEC NFV private cellular small cells telcos +