2nd Workshop on Enterprise/Private Cellular, December 1st, London on November 08, 2017 4G 5G CBRS community enterprise indoor MuLTEfire neutral host private cellular regulation small cells spectrum standards systems integrators verticals workshop +
Thoughts on in-building wireless - and an upcoming client webinar on September 22, 2017 5G CBRS coverage DAS enterprise in-building indoor MNOs MuLTEfire neutral host private cellular public safety small cells spectrum WiFi +
Publications & Upcoming Events on August 31, 2017 BlockChain conferences Futurism IIoT IoT ITU private cellular regulation reports speaking spectrum stl partners TelcoFuturism UCaaS WiFi workshop +
Blockchain and the Telecoms Industry: Thoughts from TMForum Live on May 19, 2017 BlockChain BSS data integrity identity IoT OSS SLAs smart contracts spectrum TelcoFuturism TMForum +
Spectrum-Sharing: Europe & Asia need something like CBRS on May 11, 2017 4G 5G CBRS IIoT Industry 4.0 IoT LPWAN LTE MuLTEfire politics private cellular regulation speaking spectrum TelcoFuturism +
New: Workshops on Enterprise Cellular & AI/Blockchain in Telecoms, May 30-31 on April 12, 2017 5G AI analytics BlockChain eSIM IIoT Machine Learning MVNEs MVNOs private cellular regulation rethink research spectrum TelcoFuturism verticals WiFi workshop +