“The future isn’t coming, The Internet of Things (IoT) is already here.”We’re no longer just accessing the Internet with our smartphones. Devices are now communicating with the manufacturer, consumer and other connected devices. This is opening up new and exciting possibilities in health care, retail and more.”In five years, it’s plausible to say that if a device is not embedded with electronics, software, sensors or some kind of connectivity then it will be obsolete. When people talk about “the next big thing,” they’re never thinking big enough. It’s not a lack of imagination; it’s a lack of observation.The future is always within sight, and you don’t need to imagine what’s already there.People never think big enough here means that this isn’t just about money savings. It’s not about bridges, and it’s not about cities. This is a huge and fundamental shift. When we start making things intelligent, it’s going to be a major engine for creating new products and new services.
Case in point: The buzz surrounding the Internet of Things.
What’s the buzz? The Internet of Things revolves around increased machine-to-machine communication; it’s built on cloud computing and networks of data-gathering sensors; it’s mobile, virtual, and instantaneous connection; and it’s going to make everything in our lives from streetlights to seaports “smart” When we talk about making machines “smart,” we’re not referring strictly to Machine to machine communication.
We’re talking about sensors. A sensor is not a machine. It doesn’t do anything in the same sense that a machine does. It measures, it evaluates; in short, it gathers data. The Internet of Things really comes together with the connection of sensors and machines. That is to say, the real value that the Internet of Things creates is at the intersection of gathering data and leveraging it. All the information gathered by all the sensors in the world isn’t worth very much if there isn’t an infrastructure in place to analyze it in real time.
For ex., If there’s ice on the bridge, the same sensors in the concrete will detect it and communicate the information via the wireless internet to your car. Once your car knows there’s a hazard ahead, it will instruct the driver to slow down, and if the driver doesn’t, then the car will slow down for him. This is just one of the ways that sensor-to-machine and machine-to-machine communication can take place.
Sensors on the bridge connect to machines in the car: we turn information into action So now we have sensors monitoring and tracking all sorts of data; we have cloud-based apps translating that data into useful intelligence and transmitting it to machines on the ground, enabling mobile, real-time responses. And thus bridges become smart bridges, and cars smart cars. And soon, we have smart cities, and this can be done only when you will start to think and develop new things.
What are the advantages here? What are the savings? What industries can this be applied to? The Internet of Things (IoT) is a rapidly evolving technology sector. As the popularity of connected devices increases with consumers, the number of entrants into the market grows.As demand for IoT technologies grows, entrepreneurs considering IoT solutions should look for ones that might help them achieve a competitive advantage.They should also assess their own competencies when rolling out IoT devices and find partners who help fill in the gaps in experience to prevent any bottlenecks or project delays.
IoT is a new arena where the nimbleness of a startup allows it to listen to market needs and address them quickly.Startups can bring sharp expertise and stay ahead of heftier competition. Also,of all the technology trends that are taking place right now, perhaps the biggest one is the Internet of Things; it’s the one that’s going to give us the most disruption as well as the most opportunity over the next five years.
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