[Post Event] ISTAConf 2017, Sofia

Just finished my session at ISTAConf 2017 and I realize that we are not only talking about NoSQL and migration  strategy, but we even doing that. I just met some great guys from Sofia that started to migrate their relational database to MongoDB. What was awesome that they have in plan a migration from on-premises to Azure in the next 3-6 months for their system, so Azure Cosmos DB is the perfect suite for them.

It is the 7 edition of ISTA Conference, that started in 2011. Last time when I was here was 2 years ago and in comparison with that times they grow a lot. Not only during the keynotes, but also during the sessions the rooms are full with people that are curious to find more about what are the current trends and what future is preparing for us. What I like at ISTA is the format of the conference. Even if there are more than 750 participants, they don't have more than 3 tracks. allowing them to keep the quality of session at a high level.

At this conference I talk about Azure Cosmos DB, where beside the base concept I shared different use cases where Azure Cosmos DB might be a better option than Azure Tables, MongoDB cluster and even Azure SQL. If you want to check my slides, you can find them below.

Title: Power-up NoSQL with Cosmos DB
Abstract: NoSQL databases are here to stay. Extremely powerful and flexible NoSQL solutions improve our systems and have a direct impact on our business. Common discussions when you are using NoSQL solutions like DocumentDB or MongoDB are disaster recovery plans, backups, scalability, replication, clustering, security and many more. What if I would tell you a successful story on how we reduced all these topics to only one - Cosmo DB. Join this session if you want to find out how we deployed a worldwide NoSQL solution using Cosmos DB.
