[Post Event] Endava Tech Flow, November 2017, Cluj-Napoca

This week I had the opportunity to participate at Endava Tech Flow. The main topic of this event was AI and Machine Learning. There were more than 100 people that participate to this free event.  Beside local speakers, we had the opportunity to meet J.M Bishop (Director of the Tungsten Centre for Intelligent Data Analytics and Professor of Cognitive Computing at Goldsmiths, University of London) that talked about how dangerous artificial intelligence can be for us.

I also had a short talk about Machine Learning, where I tried to explain what is behind a ML and how does a neural network works. More about my session can be found below. 

Title: The science behind Machine Learning
Abstract: Did you ever ask yourself how Machine Learning works as a system? In this session we will take a look at the science behind Machine Learning systems. We will decrypt the base mathematical concepts that make systems like these work. Once you attend this session you will discover how polynomial expression can predict the future based on historical data.
