"A picture is worth..." as they say:
The following 21 lines (one of which is a comment...) are all you need to turn a Sonoff Basic, S20 or SV into an MQTT device with a web interface...etc etc as described in the previous post "...outside". If you don't want diagnostics, you can lose the Serial,begin and cut another line.
The Sonoffs have a push button on GPIO0 and a mains relay on GPIO12. That's all they have, hardware-wise
And the code above is all they need, and I ask you: "What could be simpler?"
True, you will have to physically FLASH upgrade it first time with a FTDI adapter, but after that, Esparto will update itself automatically as needed. It will appear on your WiFi network as esparto666.local and respond to an MQTT "switch" command, by toggling the power relay and will reply with an MQTT "state" message with a payload of "ON" or OFF". It will reconnect after any network failure and all the while, the manual button will still turn it on an off.
Plus it's inside your own network. No snazzy (but often rubbish) App to download. No security problems. No worrying if XYZ corp go out of business and close their cloud, that your lights will never work again...If you can use a web browser, you can control it. If you have an MQTT server, you can control it in much more detail. If you have a NODE-RED server, you can start to do really clever things with your whole house.
Let's look inti the code in more detail (shouldn't take long)
It doesn't look much like a typical Arduino sketch. There is no setup() function and no loop function. Esparto takes care of both, to make sure things are done in the "right" order and to prevent your code from accidentally breaking things or stopping it working.
Your code is all driven asynchronously by Esparto using callbacks. If you don't know what that means, you need to read the sidebar articles under "Essential Information". It starts with setupHardware. This is where you do what you'd normally do in setup. Having said that, much of what you'd "normally do" isn't needed any more.
Tells Esparto that you want the button on GPIO0 debounced (for 15ms) and to call buttonPressed when someone pushes it or lets it go - i.e. when it changes. When it goes HIGH (the button on a Sonoff is "reversed" in sense: it goes LOW when you press it and HIGH when released) the relay is set to the opposite of what it is now. If its already on, it goes off etc - and that is the same as the standard firmware that it comes with when you buy it.
When Esparto has established a valid MQTT connection it calls onMqttConnect. Here, your code tells Esparto you want to receive "switch" topic message and when it gets one, it will call your code in mqttSwitch. As for a button press, you call toggleRelay which then publishes the current switch state to MQTT.
"And that's that"...as they also say.
Adding sensors to a "homebrew" board and adding lots of functionality on top of this is going to get more complex of course, but Esparto is designed to take a lot of the hard work out of that process too. It has a lot of "Hooks" where you can add callbacks in exactly the places you need to create a new "layer" of your own HA system on top of Esparto. That's how my own Chez Toi ioT system works: 90% of the code in each device is Esparto. Esparto has 9 different types of input pin it can manage for you, including rotary encoders and each of those only require one or two lines of code.
As an example my truc firmware when I fisrt wrote it was about 1200 lines of (pretty hairy) code and a lot of bugs. Now it handles GPIO on every pin of a WemosD1 and runs temperature PIR, sound, light, button and touch sensors. It also controls 433MHz RF switches, and it auto-updates itself. It's far more robust, easier to control and has two web pages (one of which is a live GPIO view) when the old one had only one very basic config page. Using Esparto, its only about 300 lines long and most of those 300 lines are a lot simpler and a lot more obvious to read.
But the biggest "gift" it brings is this: it runs all your code on the main loop thread, in a non-overlapping "job queue". All asynchronous events are "serialised" into the queue so no more problems of resource clashes, hangups, WDT resets and a hundred other headaches. It also provides tools for you to do the same from your own code. Each task runs separately in turn and can't interfere with/break/stop any other task, unless you deliberately make it do so. Again, if you don't know what all that means, read the "Essential Information" but what it translates to is: It prevents you from accidentally falling into about 90% of the common traps that newcomers fall into - and not all of them are obvious even to some experts. Some of them confuse experienced programmers for days and make grown men weep. Kiss 'em all goodbye.
It's fair to say that some of the complexity that Esparto hides (by deliberate design) would easily put off a lot of beginners, so having "MQTT in a box" is a huge help to getting started in the world of Home Automation and IOT. Now its absolutely true that if you can write a simple sketch to flash an LED you can also write one to produce your own Sonoff firmware. How's that sound for starters?
Of course Sonoff aren't the only player in town: that exact same sketch above will compile and run on Wemos D1, NodeMCU and (with a touch of "fettling" and shifting pin 12 to e.g. GPIO2) even an ESP-01 or ESP-01S.
Esparto is the result of 2years' worth of thousands of mistakes, false starts, burned fingers, frustration and swearing - so that you don't have to go through it all again yourself.
The following 21 lines (one of which is a comment...) are all you need to turn a Sonoff Basic, S20 or SV into an MQTT device with a web interface...etc etc as described in the previous post "...outside". If you don't want diagnostics, you can lose the Serial,begin and cut another line.
The Sonoffs have a push button on GPIO0 and a mains relay on GPIO12. That's all they have, hardware-wise
#include <ESPArto.h>
// ToiioT-Etage is my SSID, pw="" (I live in the forest) my raspi mosquitto is on
ESPArto Esparto("ToiioT-Etage", "", "esparto666", "", 1883);
void buttonPressed(bool hilo){
if(hilo) toggleRelay();
void mqttSwitch(String topic,String payload){
Esparto.publish("state",digitalRead(12) ? "ON":"OFF");
void setupHardware(){
Esparto.Debounced(0,INPUT,15,buttonPressed); // 15 = ms debounce time
pinMode(12,OUTPUT); // relay / switch
void onMqttConnect(){
void toggleRelay(){
And the code above is all they need, and I ask you: "What could be simpler?"
True, you will have to physically FLASH upgrade it first time with a FTDI adapter, but after that, Esparto will update itself automatically as needed. It will appear on your WiFi network as esparto666.local and respond to an MQTT "switch" command, by toggling the power relay and will reply with an MQTT "state" message with a payload of "ON" or OFF". It will reconnect after any network failure and all the while, the manual button will still turn it on an off.
Plus it's inside your own network. No snazzy (but often rubbish) App to download. No security problems. No worrying if XYZ corp go out of business and close their cloud, that your lights will never work again...If you can use a web browser, you can control it. If you have an MQTT server, you can control it in much more detail. If you have a NODE-RED server, you can start to do really clever things with your whole house.
Let's look inti the code in more detail (shouldn't take long)
It doesn't look much like a typical Arduino sketch. There is no setup() function and no loop function. Esparto takes care of both, to make sure things are done in the "right" order and to prevent your code from accidentally breaking things or stopping it working.
Your code is all driven asynchronously by Esparto using callbacks. If you don't know what that means, you need to read the sidebar articles under "Essential Information". It starts with setupHardware. This is where you do what you'd normally do in setup. Having said that, much of what you'd "normally do" isn't needed any more.
Tells Esparto that you want the button on GPIO0 debounced (for 15ms) and to call buttonPressed when someone pushes it or lets it go - i.e. when it changes. When it goes HIGH (the button on a Sonoff is "reversed" in sense: it goes LOW when you press it and HIGH when released) the relay is set to the opposite of what it is now. If its already on, it goes off etc - and that is the same as the standard firmware that it comes with when you buy it.
When Esparto has established a valid MQTT connection it calls onMqttConnect. Here, your code tells Esparto you want to receive "switch" topic message and when it gets one, it will call your code in mqttSwitch. As for a button press, you call toggleRelay which then publishes the current switch state to MQTT.
"And that's that"...as they also say.
Adding sensors to a "homebrew" board and adding lots of functionality on top of this is going to get more complex of course, but Esparto is designed to take a lot of the hard work out of that process too. It has a lot of "Hooks" where you can add callbacks in exactly the places you need to create a new "layer" of your own HA system on top of Esparto. That's how my own Chez Toi ioT system works: 90% of the code in each device is Esparto. Esparto has 9 different types of input pin it can manage for you, including rotary encoders and each of those only require one or two lines of code.
As an example my truc firmware when I fisrt wrote it was about 1200 lines of (pretty hairy) code and a lot of bugs. Now it handles GPIO on every pin of a WemosD1 and runs temperature PIR, sound, light, button and touch sensors. It also controls 433MHz RF switches, and it auto-updates itself. It's far more robust, easier to control and has two web pages (one of which is a live GPIO view) when the old one had only one very basic config page. Using Esparto, its only about 300 lines long and most of those 300 lines are a lot simpler and a lot more obvious to read.
But the biggest "gift" it brings is this: it runs all your code on the main loop thread, in a non-overlapping "job queue". All asynchronous events are "serialised" into the queue so no more problems of resource clashes, hangups, WDT resets and a hundred other headaches. It also provides tools for you to do the same from your own code. Each task runs separately in turn and can't interfere with/break/stop any other task, unless you deliberately make it do so. Again, if you don't know what all that means, read the "Essential Information" but what it translates to is: It prevents you from accidentally falling into about 90% of the common traps that newcomers fall into - and not all of them are obvious even to some experts. Some of them confuse experienced programmers for days and make grown men weep. Kiss 'em all goodbye.
It's fair to say that some of the complexity that Esparto hides (by deliberate design) would easily put off a lot of beginners, so having "MQTT in a box" is a huge help to getting started in the world of Home Automation and IOT. Now its absolutely true that if you can write a simple sketch to flash an LED you can also write one to produce your own Sonoff firmware. How's that sound for starters?
Of course Sonoff aren't the only player in town: that exact same sketch above will compile and run on Wemos D1, NodeMCU and (with a touch of "fettling" and shifting pin 12 to e.g. GPIO2) even an ESP-01 or ESP-01S.
Esparto is the result of 2years' worth of thousands of mistakes, false starts, burned fingers, frustration and swearing - so that you don't have to go through it all again yourself.
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