Arduino Nano connection error (CH340/CH340G driver)

Recently, I’ve got some cheap Arduino Nano from Internet for about 5 USD. However, I was struggle with the connection issues that my Arduino program cannot regonize my Nano chips.
The error message is kind of like thisScreen Shot 2017-01-08 at 12.44.13 PM
And I found out that the new Arduino nano has a different USB connection chip which is CH340G compared to the previous FTDI one.
The new nano(left) and the old one I bought have some different chip layout.DSC_0292
After installing the driver from the manufacture from China, the problem finally sloved.Screen Shot 2017-01-08 at 12.51.29 PM
You can download the driver from here if you have encounter the same problem.
WCH CH340G driver 
Just click on the download button.
Screen Shot 2017-01-08 at 12.54.39 PM
For Mac and Linux I think this two file might work!
