What is Internet Of Things??

                                              Internet of Things(IoT)
                                                                           - The next step in our Digital lives

 “The IoT is a big trend, that it ups the ante.‘Reach out and touch somebody’ is becoming ‘reach out and touch everything’.” 

What is IoT?
The Internet of Things (IoT) is a scenario in which objects, animals or people are provided with unique identifiers and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.

Want to be Techgeek in IoT???
Make a Beginning now
                    In 2008, there were already more Internet connected objects than people. Previously a couple of outlets listed “Internet of Things” (IoT) as one of the words or phrases they hoped would die in 2015. Well, I hate to break it to you, but no matter what you call it, the Internet of Things is here to stay.

By 2020, that number is expected to grow to more than 50 billion objects. Projections estimate that the IoT market will sell more products than the PC, tablet, and phone markets combined. There is no need of worrying about running out of IP addresses (each connected thing needs one), because the latest version IPv6,has enough that there are 100 IP addresses for every single atom on earth.

Do You Go crazy for cars ? Ever had a thought of making it smart ?
Simple Get connected to IoT and show off..

Just 10 percent of cars are connected to the Internet and by 2020 can assay that 90 percent will be. Google Driverless cars will generate $5.6 trillion in savings worldwide. It is truly a great example of the Internet of Things technology and is one of the greatest Internet of Things application of all time.

Today, a vision is taking shape around the world of people being connected ubiquitously across smart cities, smart buildings, smart cars and, perhaps, even through sensors on or in their bodies, and the IoT is one of the foundational platforms on which this notion of the “connected person” is predicated. The IoT figures to touch all, and, so, all voices must be heard for the monumental benefits promised in the connected-person vision to  be fully realized.

Think of Smart Home or City!!
Connected homes will be the largest sector for IoT,.In future its estimated to be a $490 billion market, which is probably why Google acquired Nest (smart thermostat makers) for $3.2 billion. Well, chances  say that after few years from now, percent of consumers will own a smart watch or smart refrigerator etc. According  to a different survey, more than two-thirds of consumers plan to buy IoT technology for their homes.

Witnessed What GE says?
GE says that if IoT technology can make oil and gas exploration and development even 1 percent more efficient, they can save $90 billion and technology for industry has the potential to add $10 to $15 trillion to global GDP over the next 20 years.

Coolest IoT Gadgets:
Google Glass is a wearable head- mounted gadget from Google with a unique optical display, which provides users with a peripheral vision on being attached with especially designed lightweight glass frame.

Google Driver-less cars will generate $5.6 trillion in savings worldwide.

The Apple Watch is a slim and sleek gadget from this ace smart phone manufacturing company and it is capable of communicating and syncing with all the iOS powered devices without the need for any wired connections.
So What are your thoughts on the Internet of Things? Do you already own a smart device??
“If you think that the internet has changed your life, think again. The IoT is about to change it all over again!

