A proof of real Excitement around IOT and Big Data in the B2B space

Chandramouli Srinivasan

I got to meet my clients, prospective clients and partners in India this December 2015 and had an opportunity to have an engaged discussion with them.
Since many of our clients/prospective clients are in service delivery space the discussion topics ranged from

1) Challenges facing the businesses in IOT & Big Data space.
2) Expectation on higher Business Value creation and higher ROI.
3) Proposal for better service delivery ownership models.
A few topics were around certain forward looking capabilities

 1) IOT - End-to-End solution capability (Devices to Cloud to Analytics)
2) Analytics - Fine tuning for a specific need
3) Mobility - Challenges in developing Cross platform applications

Interestingly one of our largest partner with whom we are building our IOT solution voiced their perspective around

1) Building custom solution for a specific need like a Power Grid or commercial buildings or Health care solutions
2) Leveraging their cloud and analytics capability for delivering end-to-end platform to the market

There is significant buzz around couple of things like Internet of Things & Analytics - Big Data and our clients/partners are really feeling excited about working with us in these spaces in 2016.

 I am happy to see that our pipeline is extremely strong as we head into the new year 2016 and I am looking forward for very exciting times ahead for us at MoboDexter!!!

I am greatly thankful to all our clients and partners for this wonderful & candid discussions. I look forward to incorporating their perspectives into our execution in the new year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2016 to all!!!
